Sunday, February 27, 2011


Some people have a burning desire to come to Ghana. Or some want to come for a specific purpose like playing with the kids and teaching them about God. I had no idea why I came on this trip. The last thing on my mind was going clear across the world. The thought of being on a plane terrified me, and the idea of a bunch of "strange" people wanting to talk to me and touch me was horrifying. But God said "GO!" God did more than just say Go, though. God carefully orchestrated our entire trip. First he told me to go. Then he told me that I was going to win the GIC scholarship. When my name was pulled out of the hat as the winner, I was not surprised or thrilled. But there is that little story of Jonah and the whale. I knew if I did not go, a whale would somehow find me in Lafayette, IN. That is not to say that God would have punished me for not going, but that He had something to teach me that I wasn't learning. It was an immediate decision for Rick and JoEllen to also go because we do almost all things as a family. I had no worries about the financial piece. I knew that if God wanted me to go, he would provide the way. The money arrived in God's timing and in God's way. As I prepared for this trip, I spent much time in prayer and fasting in order to release my fears. Faith and fear are not compatible. God does not give us a spirit of fear, nor does he want us to worry. He wants us to be able to say "I trust you, Jesus" in every situation.

I helped out in the medical clinic for the 3 days at the first village, and then I did what I could to help with building the church at the second villiage. I was certainly brought out of my comfort zone with children sitting on my lap. This trip has been a good experience for our family. Rick has grown so much. JoEllen now has a global perspective. I believe I have learned what I came here to learn which is this: God wanted to show me that in my submission of following him to Africa, He will use me in Lafayette.Because I have trusted Him in such an overwhelming huge step, it will be easier to trust Him in the daily steps. As my devotional said yesterday, the future is a secret, and it is God's secret. He will provide only what He wants us to know. God has great things in store for the Doyle family. He worked mighty works in Rick and my life individually, and He has not stopped working on us since He brought us together. It's kind of scary knowing that something greater is around the corner for us, but "I trust you, Jesus."  -MarJo

One thing I would like to say to those undecided about a mission trip. My greatest fear was that JoEllen would starve because she is so picky. But judging from how many times she has sat on my lap, I think she has grown taller and gained weight since we have been here. She loves Ghanaian ice cream. I have not been afraid for her safety. I am very glad we included her in this trip. We would have regretted it if we had left her at home. This has been the experience of a life time for her.

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